The Gift of Radical Welcome in Divine Spaces

It’s no secret that much of the Christian Evangelical movement has become one of exclusion. It has become one of division, rancor, and hatred. This has left many people feeling isolated and disconnected from their spirit, longing for a connection to themselves and something bigger than them.

At The Mermaid’s Garden farm and retreat space, we practice the rule of radical welcome. I’m a rebel by nature, so anything radical is ok by me! We are creating a genuinely hospitable community and space where anyone is welcome at the figurative and literal table. The rule of radical welcome includes all who come here to seek peace, solace, and healing.

What Do You Mean By Radical Welcome?

First, let me clarify that just because I’m a rebel doesn’t mean you have to be. Radical welcome doesn’t demand that you do anything outside of your comfort zone. The radical part places the responsibility on the person or group doing the welcoming.

It refers to the notion that sacred spaces MUST create spaces of love and compassion. That is, we welcome and include anyone who enters in, regardless of their “otherness.”  And we must do it with intention and authenticity.

You might be thinking, “Isn’t that what churches already do?” Well, I wish they did, but that’s not always the case. Radical welcome and hospitality go beyond talk and take heart-led action.

When we practice this radical welcome at the Mermaid’s Garden, it means that we:

  • Notice each person individually.

  • Seek opportunities to connect with every guest, to their comfort level.

  • Remove barriers to access.

  • Connect with the community at large.

  • Center our behaviors in a relationship with spiritual growth and expansion.

  • Listen with openness to new ideas and experiences.

  • Follow up with guests to see how they are doing.

In some ways, it’s sad that these basic demonstrations of kindness are now considered radical in many circles. Our hope at The Mermaid’s Garden is that they will become commonplace and expected. But for now, radical it is!

Following the Principles of Universal Design

One crucial piece of radical hospitality is the removal of barriers that would stop someone from joining and participating. We use the principles of universal design in our retreat space to do just that.

Universal design refers to the practice of creating items and spaces that people can use, access, and understand as independently as possible without needing modifications. This is critical. We cannot be radically welcoming if some people have to overcome barriers first.

The idea of universal design isn’t to adapt or cater to special needs. Instead, it seeks to create good design from the beginning that works for the largest number of people possible. 

What does this look like at The Mermaid’s Garden?

  • We go beyond ADA accessibility to ensure that our environments are usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible.

  • We focus on simple and intuitive use of the facilities.

  • From the accommodations to the labyrinth, our spaces are usable, inclusive, and accessible.

You Are Truly Welcome Here

Here at The Mermaid’s Garden, you will be welcomed with open arms. Our farm and retreat space are here to help you connect with the land, your food, and your soul. 

No matter who you are, where you’ve been, what you’ve are welcome here. 

I know. It’s radical.


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